Monday, December 14, 2009

The turning point of my life..

After a very long time aku menyepikan diri, somehow today I've got some desire to write something.,...just a simple column to express what I thought and felt..yerlah sekarang my status pun dah tukar as married so hopefully my experience after this will be richer .......sebenarnya hari ni ader audit sirim kat opis so aku boring campur takut...dah habis semua blog orang aku baca so lastly decide why not aku aku ader blog sendiri so blehlah aku merapu sesuka hati aku hehehee......

so lastly since I am 6 months pregnant this week so aku hanya bleh berangan nak pi vacation at end of year camni since my husband tersayang belum balik dari bertugas lagi...

by the way saja jer letak gambar kawin yang poyo...hahaha kelakar la plak rasanya my hubby looks like hang jebat I guess ....but 2nd May 2009 is the turning point of my life...
the time when I start to learn to be serious and more tolerate in build up life with a new partner that will be my companion until I close my eyes.....

Life is not easy but I just hope with him by my side, we will find what we really search in life....happiness!!


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